The City of Rockville, the third largest city in Maryland and located 12 miles northwest of the nation’s capital, is a vibrant community with a highly skilled, culturally diverse and engaged citizenry and a business-friendly economy with local and international roots. Rockville is one of the leading municipalities in Maryland that has made a commitment to achieve a more sustainable future that considers prosperity, planet, and people.

Rockville’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) provides a road map to equitably reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50 percent from the 2005 baseline by 2030, which will put Rockville on track to aim for aspirational long-term reductions –i.e., carbon neutrality by 2045/2050. Community stakeholders, staff and a technical consultant worked together to develop the plan. The CAP contains forty-two actions to guide City policies, programs, plans and investments over the next five to ten years to achieve three goals: carbon reduction, equity, and resiliency.

To learn more, visit the Rockville Climate Action Plan page.

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Join “Implementing EV Charging & Workforce Training” to explore practical strategies for integrating EV charging at your workplace. Learn about developing charging policies, employee training, and infrastructure management from property... Read More