Climate action has been a pillar of the District’s approach to sustainability since the first Sustainable DC plan launched in 2013, with commitments to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of climate change.  With strategies to address many drivers of climate change – from the built environment, to energy, to transportation — the Sustainable DC vision to make the District the healthiest, greenest, and most livable city in the nation by 2032, sets forth actionable steps and priorities to address climate change and improve livability.

Building on these interim goals, in 2017, the District made a commitment to become a carbon neutral and climate resilient city by 2050, in recognition that tackling climate change is part and parcel of a broader commitment to uphold the values of health, opportunity, prosperity, and equity for all District residents. In preparation for 2050, the city is already taking action: preparing for change through Climate Ready DC, cutting emissions 50 percent by 2032 through Clean Energy DC and developing Carbon Free DC, the District’s carbon neutrality strategy.

To learn more, go to DOEE Climate Change.

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Strategic Positioning for Grant Success

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GWRCCC Opening Reception- DC

Kick off an exciting year with the Greater Washington Region Clean Cities Coalition at our Opening Reception! Enjoy an evening of networking, membership intake, and inspiring insights from our board... Read More

Tech Happy Hour: Citizen Energy

Join on Thursday, February 27, from 3 – 4 PM EST for a Tech Happy Hour webinar with Citizen Energy. This session will feature Deedra Simmons as guest speaker. More... Read More