Job Alert: Sustainable Maryland Program Assistant

The primary responsibility of this position will be to support EFC’s Sustainable Maryland (SM) program. Established in 2011, SM is a free and voluntary outreach and certification program that helps Maryland communities pursue a sustainable future. SM provides local jurisdictions with a unique framework with which to... Read More

Funding Alert: Pepco Sustainable Communities Grants Program

Sustainable Maryland, in a new partnership with Pepco, will offer Sustainable Communities Grant awards to eligible municipalities and nonprofit organizations. This program will provide $60,000 support to fund environmental stewardship projects and $40,000 for community resilience projects across the Pepco service area in Montgomery County,... Read More

Opportunity: MWCOG 2023 Climate Awards

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) Climate and Energy Leadership Awards recognize organizations that develop climate stewardship projects and programs that engage and serve the region’s underserved communities. The awards program highlights a broad range of climate solutions for their unique engagement practices as... Read More

Funding Alert: US DOE 2023 Sunny Awards

The American-Made Sunny Awards for Equitable Community Solar (The Sunny Awards) is a $200,000 prize competition that will recognize community solar portfolios and programs that employ or develop best practices to increase equitable access to the meaningful benefits of community solar for subscribers and their... Read More