District of Columbia

Climate Clips: Virginia can’t be pulled out of RGGI

The Circuit Court of Floyd County ruled that the regulatory action removing Virginia from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative was “unlawful and without effect.” The court explained that the “only body with the authority to repeal the RGGI Regulation would be the General Assembly… because... Read More

Job Alert: Prince George’s County DEP Contract and Grant Manager

This is a management-level technical and administrative position responsible for DoE’s grant and contract administration and coordination. Oversight includes providing guidance and instruction into the regulatory requirements associated with grants, contracts, procurements, determinations, and other source agreements (MOUs, Riders, etc.) and advice on complex purchasing... Read More

Funding Alert: MEA Commercial Solar Grant Program

The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) Commercial Solar Grant Program (CSGP) will provide grants for solar PV systems installed at Maryland businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations that will be owned by or directly benefit (1) low-to-moderate income communities located in a census tract with an average... Read More

Job Alert: City of Rockville Sustainability Program Manager

The position will implement and manage various City-wide initiatives recommended by the City of Rockville’s Climate Action Plan (CAP), including the installation and management of electric vehicle infrastructure, installation and management of renewable energy systems, oversight of facility energy management and energy efficiency projects, and... Read More