State Climate Initiatives

Opportunity: Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) Peer-Learning Cohorts

C2C peer-learning cohorts bring together organizations with similar clean energy goals, opportunities, or challenges to: Gather best practices, tools, templates, and other resources from subject matter experts. Exchange case studies, experiences, lessons learned, and insights with peers from across the United States. Develop proposals, action plans, or... Read More

Job Alert: Montgomery County Recycling Coordinator

DEP is seeking to fill a fulltime Program Manager II (Recycling Coordinator) in the Recycling and Resource Management Division to effectively get every business, non-profit organization, Federal, State, and local government facility, multi-family apartment and condominium property, single-family household, employee, and resident to increase their waste reduction, reuse,... Read More

Job Alert: River Restoration Program Associate

The Anacostia Watershed Society seeks a full-time River Restoration Program Associate to provide on-the-water, field, and facility support for our organization. This non-exempt position will participate in the organization’s restoration work by leading and/or assisting with restoration field work, volunteer restoration events, and field studies,... Read More