
Job Alert: USAID Environment Officer (Energy Advisor)

The Environment Officer serves as an Energy Advisor in the Energy Division, which manages USAID’s Washington, DC-based energy programs and provides technical and management leadership and support to USAID’s energy sector reform agenda implemented at the country level, with a primary focus on the electricity... Read More

Resource for Residents: What’s Your Bay Footprint?

Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams should have healthy waters and vibrant wildlife. One reason they aren’t healthy is widespread nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment pollution. These pollutants block sunlight and cause algal blooms that suck up oxygen, killing off other plants and animals in... Read More

Resource for Residents: DC Solar for All

Solar for All aims to bring the benefits of solar energy to 100,000 low to moderate-income families in the District. DOEE is partnering with organizations across the District to install solar panels on single-family homes and develop community solar projects to benefit renters and residents... Read More