The “Connected Communities 2.0: Innovations to Manage Growing Transportation, Building, and Industrial Loads to the Grid” Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) issued by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy is designed to address major new loads from transportation, industry, and buildings on the electric grid by providing new tools for users, planners, and operators of the electric grid. This FOA has two major topical areas:
Connected Communities 2.0 focused on grid-edge technical measures in buildings, industry, and transportation to prepare the electric grid for these new loads and improve the resilience of customers and the grid; and Smart Charge Management (SCM) focuses on various unique urban, suburban, and rural use cases to build confidence in SCM as an effective approach for electric vehicles (EVs) to provide flexibility and value to the electric grid.
The submission deadline for concept papers is August 20, 2024. Visit the EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange for more information about this funding opportunity and to apply.