Job Alerts

Job Alert: Multiple Global CDP Positions

CDP is an international non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources, and protect forests.  CDP was voted the number one climate research provider by investors and promotes a positive, collaborative culture. Explore their current job vacancies by... Read More

Job Alert: DOEE Climate Program Analyst

Located in the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), Urban Sustainability Administration, this position will coordinate the development and implementation of plans to achieve the District’s ambitious goals to cut carbon pollution and prepare for climate change within the agency, across related District agencies, and... Read More

Job Alert: Arlington Energy Program Manager

The Office of Sustainability and Environmental Management (OSEM) within the Department of Environmental Services is seeking a highly skilled technical and programmatic Energy Program Manager with an entrepreneurial sense of emerging energy markets and technologies, to strategically lead climate and energy efficiency renewable programs. Learn... Read More

Job Alert: WMATA Director of Zero Emissions Vehicles

WMATA/Metro is hiring a Director, Zero Emission Vehicles, to transition their bus fleet and facilities to ZEV. The successful candidate will lead the planning, program design, and oversight required to field a ZEV fleet, including advancing Metro’s strategy and leading and coordinating across many Metro... Read More