Sustainable DC is the District’s plan to become the healthiest, greenest, most livable city for all residents. The original Sustainable DC Plan was released in 2013 and updated to Sustainable DC 2.0 in 2019. Now due for its next update, the Department of Energy and Environment and... Read More
Energy Masters is an award-winning program that conserves energy and water. Join a community of volunteers who are passionate about helping neighbors reduce their carbon footprint, their energy and water consumption, and their utility bills. Energy Masters volunteers, after receiving specialized training, deliver hands-on conservation upgrades... Read More
Eligible District residents can apply to several assistance or discount programs to help lower their utility costs. The DCPSC requires that Pepco, Washington Gas, and Verizon sponsor their own discount programs for residents, but there are additional money- and energy-saving initiatives available through #Here2HelpDC. To learn... Read More
Get ready for it. The Mayor and City Council have approved an ordinance that will make it mandatory for residents to separate their organic waste from the trash. Organic waste is food scraps, food waste, food-soiled paper, and compostable plastic. You’ll also have to separate out... Read More
The Summer Ready DC campaign by the District of Columbia Public Service Commission assists residents in preparing their homes for summer. This includes getting a free weatherization kit to save energy, using checklists to ready homes for potential storms, enrolling in programs for utility assistance... Read More
Join the Gaithersburg Environmental Affairs Committee as it hosts its second Fix-It Fair, an event to promote waste reduction and environmental awareness. By repairing them instead of throwing them away, you can save money and resources and extend the life of your items. The event... Read More
Capital Area Solar Switch provides residents living around the DC area with the opportunity to learn about and install rooftop solar panels, battery storage, and electric vehicle charging stations for their homes. This program leverages the power of group buying, and the expertise of partner... Read More
Bike to Work Day (BTWD) is rolling full speed ahead, as warm weather, a sense of community, and a chance to win a free bicycle will attract thousands of commuters to participate in metropolitan Washington’s regional event on Friday, May 19. Registration for the free, fun,... Read More
The Maryland Energy Storage Income tax credit is designed to encourage the deployment of energy storage systems in Maryland. The tax credit is available to residential and commercial taxpayers who have installed an energy storage system on their residential or commercial property in Maryland. Under... Read More
The Wheaton Sustainable Innovation Zone offers business and sustainability workshops for Wheaton business leaders and entrepreneurs. The workshops will guide participants through some fundamental business training and sustainability certifications related to marketing, funding, and greening their practices. The goal is to help local businesses position themselves... Read More