Resources for Residents

Resource for Residents: Become a Chesapeake Steward

Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Volunteers as Chesapeake Stewards, or VoiCeS, program engages local volunteers and their communities and fosters a deeper understanding of the Bay watershed and the efforts to restore it. Long-term improvements in the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers and streams... Read More

Resource for Residents: NVRC Energy

There are numerous local, regional, state, and federal programs to help you reduce your energy use or even produce it through solar energy. Many of these energy efficiency programs are at no cost, depending on age and/or income levels. The passage of the Virginia Clean... Read More

Resource for Residents: Green Dining Arlington

Green Dining Arlington is an initiative of EcoAction Arlington that brings together Arlington restaurants to collectively develop, encourage, and implement green dining practices in the community. Surveys of local restaurants have revealed critical gaps in restaurants’ knowledge of why or how they should implement eco-friendly... Read More