Electrify MC is a pilot project created to help residents transition from fossil fuels (oil, gas, and propane) in their homes. Electrify MC will provide residents with a one-stop option to help them electrify their homes. Elysian Energy, the competitively chosen contractor, will provide outreach... Read More
During the month of January, Montgomery County joins a nationwide effort to educate homeowners and renters on the dangers of radon gas and the importance of testing every home. January is an especially good time to test homes for radon because windows and doors are... Read More
City of Laurel Mayor Keith R. Sydnor is pleased to announce the development of the City’s first-ever Sustainability Plan. As residents, your input and involvement in this process is invaluable and will shape the final plan. Focus groups will serve as the platform for collaboration, brainstorming, and... Read More
Did you know? The amount of household waste in the U.S. increases an average of 25% between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day (EPA). Everyone can “Green” their holidays and help reduce the amount of waste generated during this time by thinking outside the box. Learn more... Read More
The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection and partners challenge you to reduce waste by thinking differently about how you shop for and give gifts. Reduce waste, save energy and build a strong local economy. You are encouraged to Gift Outside the Box! To learn... Read More
LEDC helps low-to-moderate-income homeowners purchase brand-new, energy-efficient appliances to reduce households’ energy bills and carbon footprint. HOW IT WORKS: Get estimates of energy-efficient appliances (they are labeled with the logo of Energy Star) Complete loan application Get the loan and purchase the appliance(s) To learn... Read More
The DCSEU offers up to $500 rebates for qualifying electric lawnmowers, $35 rebates on qualifying dehumidifiers, and $50–$700 rebates on select ENERGY STAR® certified clothes washers, clothes dryers, smart thermostats, refrigerators, heat pumps, and electric water heaters. To learn more about this resource, visit DC Sustainability... Read More
ReThread DC, the District of Columbia’s textile reuse and recovery initiative, provides local residents and visitors resources for decreasing the impact that their clothing (and other textiles) has on the environment. ReThread DC is creating a culture of recovery and reuse in the District, providing... Read More
Montgomery Energy Connection is a network of County Government and community partners. Created to provide customized education on the benefits of energy efficiency, availability of programs, and opportunities for assistance. Find out how to keep more money in your pocket by reducing the energy you... Read More
The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and its partners challenge you to reduce waste by thinking differently about how you shop for and give gifts. Together, we can reduce waste, save energy and build a strong local economy. DEP encourages you to Gift... Read More